Skaijak’s had a very successful cruft’s with Skaijak’s Bright N’Bonkers winning Junior Dog and his litter brother Skaijak’s Bright N’Bubbley taking second, Litter sister Skaijak’s Bright N’Bewitched was 2nd in Junior Bitch. Ch Skaijak’s Yours Truely ‘Gem’ won the Bitch CC from Open with her half sister Ch. Skaijak’s Zola winning the Res CC. Thankyou to all the owners and friends who show Skaijaks.
Cilla’s Puppies
Wkc Champ Show Aug ’17
Bonkers does it again!!!, Best Puppy in Breed Res Dog CC and Puppy Group 3, what a little star. Also Barbara and Keith Bowskill got the bitch CC with Luksus daughter Lynmar Little Lady.
A great day in the Tibetan Mastiff ring as well where I handled Caroline Lowes wonderful boy Levi ( now Ch. Legenda Tibeta Tsechovik )to his 3rd CC and Title and Michelle and Jon Porteus went Best Puppy in Breed with Levi’s son Humphrey (Callowdale Double Agent).
Leeds Championship Show July 2017
We had a a successful day with Atolloledas of Skaijak (Imp. It.), winning Limit Dog. Skaijak Bright N’Bonkers at only six months one day at his first show, best puppy in breed and puppy group 4, and Skaijak’s Zola won her 8th CC.